So it’s almost like you have the permission to reach out at that point without being spammy and obnoxious. The numerology number 55 is forward looking and desires and anticipates new experiences and opportunities for learning. So affinity meaning you can reach out to them and say, Hey, I’m reaching out because we’re members of this association as well. In modern word-formation sometimes ad- and ab- are regarded as opposites, but this was not in classical Latin. According to Affinity Numerology, the number 55 contains meanings of independence, freedom, and exploration of new areas of human experience. The smaller its value, the greater the affinity between two molecules. Binding affinity is reported by the famous K d or equilibrium dissociation constant. The first academic approach of affinity marketing was provided by Macchiette and Roy in 1992. This partnership is known as an affinity group. It refers to the strength by which two (or more) molecules interact or bind. Affinity marketing is a concept that consists of a partnership between a company (supplier) and an organization that gathers persons sharing the same interests to bring a greater consumer base to their service, product or opinion. The process went further in England than in France, where the vernacular sometimes resisted the pedantic, resulting in English adjourn, advance, address, advertisement (Modern French ajourner, avancer, adresser, avertissement). In the context of biology and biophysics, the meaning of affinity is not very different. Over-correction at the end of the Middle Ages in French and then English "restored" the -d- or a doubled consonant to some words that never had it ( accursed, afford). a person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking or attraction is felt. Finding a brand that shares the same values, clients feel support, harmony, and gratitude.

Companies can succeed in this task by communicating their core values during every interaction with a customer. In many cases pronunciation followed the shift. a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc. Affinity lets companies build emotional connections with their clients which is the cherry on the cake. in words it had picked up from Old French.

In Old French, reduced to a- in all cases (an evolution already underway in Merovingian Latin), but written forms in French were refashioned after Latin in 14c. Simplified to a- before sc-, sp- and st- modified to ac- before many consonants and then re-spelled af-, ag-, al-, etc., in conformity with the following consonant (as in affection, aggression). Word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad- "to, near, at."